April 02, 2009

Interval Training, Day 1

I decided a couple of days ago that I was going to start some interval training. Why I decided that I cannot, for the life of me, figure out this morning. I can walk 3 miles at a pretty good pace without getting winded. I hate to run. HATE it. So, I can't figure out what inspired me except the novelty of a challenge. The particular intervals I'm doing are designed to get you from nothing to running 3 continuous miles in 9 weeks. Pretty good, since we're thinking about doing a 5K in about that. Free Astros tickets come into the motivation for that one -- 2 for each participant. It's good to have goals.

Anyway, I did my first session yesterday, and I am SORE. I'm not sure how I feel about that, except I'm glad that I was acquainted with exercise and didn't try to start from nothing. Anyone out there have any ideas or advice on how to get the most out of interval training?


Allison said...

Woo-hoo for you! Seriously! Way to go. I've never even heard of interval training. Okay, so maybe vaguely. I, like you, HATE to run. But I love that you're motivated by Astros tickets. :) What plan are you using and where can I find out about it?

I'm purchasing a jogging stroller (albeit with a swivel wheel that converts to fixed-- I don't think I can commit to the permanent fixed wheel which means I can use it only for jogging), but still, I'm hoping it will motivate me to at least start walking with the boys. I imagine pushing their combined 40 lbs plus the added weight of the stroller will make my arms buff in no-time!

Sarah said...

I used to HATE running with a passion until I about went crazy after getting my first desk job with now windows and began walking 3 miles at Memorial Park every day directly after work. Pretty soon the brisk walk was not much of a challenge so I began jogging until I was tired and then walking until I felt like doing it again (if exercise is too tramatic for me then I usually don't stick with it, so this was a really successful method for me). In no time I was jogging 3 miles a day and it wasn't even super hard. WHAT!?! ...and all of this from a girl who HATE(D) to run! Good luck!