May 05, 2009

I have no kitchen. I mean, the refrigerator is still plugged in and working, but the other appliances are in the garage. I tried to help D-man move the stove out there and gave up after about 2 seconds to avoid throwing out my back. There is no kitchen floor. Wish we had left it in, because the smell is painful. Home Depot and Lowe's are definite stops today, because all we can do right now is let things dry a little more. And pick out kitchen cabinets and a kitchen floor. My hands smell like a combination of pigskin gloves (without the swine flu) and sheetrock. My eyes are itchy. My nose is dry. My house is dusty. The A/C isn't working as well as it should, because we have holes in our walls. Without insulation. I fear next month's power bill.

Remodeling a house during your first year of marriage wouldn't be something I'd recommend, but we're handling it pretty well. Of course, there wasn't a choice -- well, the choice was stinky flood house or dry house. We picked dry house and all the adventures that come along with it.

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