May 31, 2009

Is this seat saved?

Today, cousin J graduated from high school, and her graduation started promptly at 1:00. Due to the hour, D-man and I decided to leave church around noon to get there with plenty of time to park and find the rest of the family. We usually sit on the second row (behind the empty first row that Baptists apparently have an aversion to using), and today we sat 3 rows from the back. Every person that passed us made some comment about us usually sitting way down front. I'm not lying. Every single one. Those little old ladies notice everything!

To make up for our sudden heathen-like tendencies, D-man made sure he told people we brought extra Bibles so we could sit farther back. Obviously, the farther back you sit, the more Bibles you need to be holy.

At any rate, it's good to know that people that we don't know all that well at church recognize us, even if only by where we sit.

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