June 22, 2009

You might be a redneck if....

you, your husband, and your brother-in-law (who was staying with us till last night) hop in the truck and drive after 5 fire trucks and 2 ambulances to see what's going on.

Last night, we were all outside talking (and working on Papa Funk's car) when we heard sirens. The sirens are a normal occurrence in our neighborhood, but these were coming towards us. As we looked for and found smoke, we parked and walked up to the crowd of curious people who had gathered in front of the burning house. The fire, apparently, was electrical in nature (the dryer caught on fire). Just an interesting night with the family in H-town!

1 comment:

Zoetewey said...

Catching up on my blog reading, read this post and laughed out loud! I wish I could have been there to witness that one!