November 12, 2009

Cultural differences

Tonight while at work, I had my first Brasilian patient. A mom came to ask me a question about her son's medicine. It was an antibiotic suspension that we mix in the pharmacy before the patient goes home. She brought it back to ask if it was okay that it was open. During this exchange, I could tell that she wasn't from the US because of her accent. She asked me, "Is this antibiĆ³tico?" and I immediately asked where she was from, because I recognized the word and the way she said it. Turns out she is from Salvador and her husband is from Rio. I told her I had lived in Brasil, and we continued the rest of the interchange in Portuguese. So fun!

My cultural brain fart for the day: I later realized why she looked at me like I was nuts when I told her we mixed the antibiotic at the pharmacy. In Brasil, the antibiotic comes in a box with 2 bottles: 1 with the powder for reconstitution and the other with the water for reconstitution. The patients mix it at home. Wish I'd remembered that while she was still in the store!

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