August 30, 2016


I haven't written much since we sold our house, but I've been thinking a lot. I've been reading more, which is good. I've been reading up on (and practicing!) mindfulness for the last couple of days. In the Bible reading that I've done, fear has been prominent in my readings. With the readings came conviction. I live in fear daily. Fear of not being good enough, fear of failure, fear of not making a difference. I got an email from a blogger I subscribe to today, and she was talking about this very thing. Know what their family motto is?


The first step is the worst. The scarier than scary. The scariest. I'd like to say that after the first step, they get easier, but I can't. I haven't taken the first one yet.

I want to make a go of a spa business with BeautiControl, but I'm scared. What if people won't come to my spas? What if people don't buy from me?

I want to take a couple of months off THEN get a job. What if people look at that and ask why I took some time off?

I have to take that first scared step so everything can open up. So I can do life on mine and God's terms.

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