September 03, 2008

So many numbers!

In addition to the rapidly growing (MASSIVE) guest list, my mom has had several people tell her they want to give me (and the D-man, if we can get him up to GA before the wedding) a wedding shower.

The list is up to about 40. Only in C-town, not to mention the few in the 'Ham that have offered. I love that everyone is so excited. I love that more showers mean more presents (is that tacky?).

We're already going to delegate the privilege of giving a brunch for the out-of-towners on the day of the wedding. Any ideas for the other 36 people?

1 comment:

Allison said...

Oh, Jennifer, there are all SORTS of possibilities...

an around-the-house shower
a linen shower
a kitchen shower
a tool and gadget shower
an around-the-clock shower

And in my hometown, they always had this HUGE shower which took care of a TON of hostesses--it was where you could give anything, but you usually got all the nice china and silver and stuff. I forget what it was called, but it was BIG. Some people went overboard and had like 30-40 hostesses for this one shower, but I think dividing it up into a few smaller showers would make everyone feel included. That is, if you have the time and inclination to attend all of them!

I know I had, just in my hometown, a kitchen, a linen, and that BIG shower, not to mention a tea in Montgomery for relatives as well as that party at my aunt's lake house for all our Atlanta friends.

You certainly don't have to suggest the kind of shower you want, either, but your mom might want to divide the 36 into smaller groups and tell them to create their own idea for a shower.

P.S. Um, when is your bachelorette/lingerie shower going to be? Because I definitely want in on helping plan THAT! ;-)