February 02, 2009


D-man and I have been married for a few weeks, and the transition has been surprisingly easy. While it hasn't been completely seamless (I'm not sure it ever is), I have loved every minute of it. I am finding that I have been through some major transitions over the past 5 years, and I have just now figured out why they've been bothering me. As a regular person, I read and researched and formed my own opinions about the Bible and what it said (at least the practical application of it in my own life). I heard the voice of God, not audibly, but through His Word and through trusted godly men and women around me. As a missionary, I was surrounded by men (and some women) who had been to seminary. I wouldn't take too kindly to someone who is not a pharmacist coming in and telling me that what I know isn't right. So, I assumed that I would be better served by being quiet, as others seemed to know more than I did. In a nutshell, I was intimidated by being around people whose backgrounds weren't like mine (though I made some very good friends during that time), who I thought knew more than me about God and His work and His provision and His Word. My own experience didn't seem to be important, though I think that was more of my own impression than anything.

What I am figuring out now is that my experience with God is the most important thing in my life. It opens my eyes, it grounds me both as an individual and in my marriage, and now He is showing me (He is always good to do this) that He doesn't work the same way with everyone. I know that can sound relativistic, but I don't mean that His principles change. I mean that because I am who I am, and because He knows me better than anyone, He knows where to prick to make me sit up and take notice. He knows what words will comfort me in times of distress. He knows what I will soak up from His Word and the books that I read and the conversations that I have.

He is using our marriage to open up a whole new vision of Himself. He is, as always, a faithful Teacher.

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