July 25, 2008

A long-anticipated discussion

I know, I haven't even been engaged for 3 weeks. My dad comes in on Sunday, and we can finally talk budget. Then we can decide what we (I) want to splurge on and how big this sucker is going to be. I am excited about being able to sit down and get something on paper that's actual instead of the numbers floating around in my head.

Any budget ideas, anyone?

July 22, 2008

A long-anticipated white candle

Big Shady is here this week and we are having a blast. What does that have to do with anything? Here goes (the short version).... We were in the same sorority in college, which is how we met (our dates ditched us at a party to go drink at another party in the same building). Through 8 1/2 years and several questionable situations, I am proud to call her my best friend.

One of our sorority's traditions involves a "white candle" for someone who gets engaged. It's a HUGE deal (when you're in college). Everybody gets together and someone has made the honoree a white candle. No one knows who the honoree is. You pass the candle around the circle and depending on the number of times it's passed around before it's blown out by the honoree, you know what the special occasion is (engaged, pregnant, etc., though we never did pass a pregnancy white candle). While it would have been really exciting for me to be the honoree when I was in college, it is no longer a big deal. I have friends that I want to share this time in my life with, and most of those are not leftovers from college. Big Shady is a leftover from college, and in addition to the entire suitcase full of goodies (cheez-its, dark chocolate, wedding planners, and books) she brought me, she made me what else but a white candle.

She got it out and I laughed and cried all at the same time. Of course we had to pass it back and forth and I had to blow it out. Laughter came because now, 6 years after graduation, into my 30's, I find it a little ridiculous. Tears came because I am blessed to share this with my best friend.

July 13, 2008


For all of you out there who want to help me out, I'm doing an informal poll.

What's the one thing you wish you had known before you got married that you didn't find out until after you got married?

Married friends, leave your responses! Single friends, poll your married friends and then leave your responses!

July 09, 2008

I am now officially

the proud owner of an engagement ring. The D-man asked me to marry him this evening, and I said yes. Of course. To those of you who like sappy stories or elaborate proposals, you will be disappointed. But to me, it was perfect.

We got my rings this afternoon, and the D-man had already planned a date night with me. He was chomping at the bit to leave his house, which is odd. He told me he was hungry (a totally believable story), and we went to eat. At my house. We finished eating and he said, "Hey, I've got a question for you." Since it's usually me that says that, I was intrigued. It was the question of all questions. And it was all a big blur. He was nervous, I was shocked, and we are getting married.

This is the ring.

July 05, 2008

I'm a worry-wart. That's a fact that's been well-established, especially over the last few years. I can't say that I'm proud of that quality, but I am aware of it.

What do I worry about? You name it, it's probably something I've worried about at some point in time. Lately, it's been money. I left a job as a pharmacist in the U.S. to come to Brasil, and I make about 1/10 of what I made there. Don't get me wrong; I am not short on cash here, but going back does freak me out a little, just because I wonder how I'm going to pay for everything I need when I get home. i.e., a car and other various expensive purchases.

As an answer to my worry (which was very gracious, because worry shows a SERIOUS lack of trust in God on my part), the D-man called me last week and told me he's been awarded $6500 in grants for this year in school. Grants that he doesn't have to pay back.

The D-man's dad has mentioned the key to living by faith (which he learned from someone else). He said it last week and it finally stuck (reinforced by the grant info). God created man on the 6th day. Last. Everything that he would ever need had already been created by God. We should live as such, because anything we need is something God has already provided in some fashion.

July 04, 2008

Diamonds are forever

At least that's what they say. I saw the rough cut of my engagement ring yesterday. Why do I say rough cut? Because it's being hand-made by a jeweler here in Rio. The man carries everything around in his pockets. In his office yesterday, he pulled the rings out of his pocket along with the loose diamond. First observation: white gold is ugly before it's polished and finished off. Second observation: I love having had a say in what I'll be wearing for the rest of my life.

A few months ago, the D-man asked me if I was "the kind of girl that....", which, of course, could only have ended badly, until he finished the question: "wants to have a say in what her engagement ring looks like". I said, "Of course! I don't want to feel like I have to lie to you for the next 50 years if it's something I hate." And so the design process was birthed. After much hemming and hawing and trying to figure out what exactly I wanted, or what the jeweler could understand (hint: talk to his assistant -- he's the one that actually makes the jewelry), we have come to a conclusion.

I will post pictures and descriptions and be shouting from the rooftops when I am officially the proud owner of an engagement ring.

Just the beginning....

Anyone who reads my other blog or knows me well knows that I am headed back to the U.S. in a matter of months. I am preparing for a whole new life post-Brasil. Not only in a "hi, I'm going through reverse culture shock" kind of way, but also in a "hi, I'm getting married and have to plan a wedding" kind of way. Presumptuous? Maybe a little, since I'm not actually engaged yet. Exciting? Most definitely.